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How to Download One Piece Opening 5 Kokoro no Chizu in High Quality

One Piece Opening 5: Kokoro no Chizu

One Piece is one of the most popular and longest-running anime series in the world. It tells the story of Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate who dreams of becoming the King of the Pirates by finding the legendary treasure One Piece. Along his journey, he meets and befriends many other characters who join his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates.

One Piece has a rich and diverse soundtrack that includes many opening and ending songs that set the tone and mood for each arc. One of these songs is Kokoro no Chizu, which means Map of the Heart in English. It is the fifth opening song in the One Piece anime, and it is sung by BOYSTYLE. It was used from episodes 207 to 263, covering the Davy Back Fight and Water 7 arcs.

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In this article, we will explore why you should listen to One Piece Opening 5, how to download it, and how to enjoy it more. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this song at the end.

Why You Should Listen to One Piece Opening 5

One Piece Opening 5 is a great song that deserves your attention for many reasons. Here are some of them:

It is catchy and upbeat

One of the first things you will notice about One Piece Opening 5 is how catchy and upbeat it is. The song has a fast tempo, a lively melody, and a cheerful chorus that will make you want to sing along. The song also uses various instruments, such as guitars, drums, keyboards, horns, and strings, to create a rich and colorful sound. The song perfectly matches the adventurous and fun spirit of One Piece, as well as the excitement and challenge of sailing on the Grand Line.

It has meaningful lyrics

Another reason why you should listen to One Piece Opening 5 is because it has meaningful lyrics that convey a lot of emotion and inspiration. The song is about following your dreams, trusting your friends, overcoming obstacles, and finding your place in the world. The lyrics also reflect the personalities and relationships of the Straw Hat Pirates, as well as their goals and motivations. For example, some lines from the chorus are:

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Daijoubu! Saa mae ni susumou

Taiyou o itsumo mune ni

Tsunaida te tsutawaru POWER

Negai o tsukamaeyou yo

Which translate to:

It's alright! Now let's move forwardIt's alright! Now let's move forward

With the sun always in our hearts

The power that flows through our connected hands

Let's catch our wishes

These lines express the optimism, courage, friendship, and ambition of the Straw Hat Pirates, as well as their bond with each other and their determination to achieve their dreams.

It has a nostalgic value

A third reason why you should listen to One Piece Opening 5 is because it has a nostalgic value for many fans of the series. The song was used during some of the most memorable and emotional arcs in One Piece, such as the Davy Back Fight and Water 7. These arcs introduced some new characters, such as Foxy, Aokiji, Franky, and Robin, and also developed some existing ones, such as Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and Brook. The arcs also featured some epic battles, hilarious moments, heartbreaking scenes, and shocking twists that left a lasting impression on the viewers. Listening to One Piece Opening 5 can bring back those memories and feelings, and make you appreciate the story and the characters even more.

How to Download One Piece Opening 5

If you want to download One Piece Opening 5 to your device, there are several ways to do so legally and safely. Here are some of them:


One of the easiest and most convenient ways to download One Piece Opening 5 is to use YouTube. YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform that hosts millions of videos, including anime openings and endings. You can use YouTube to watch or download One Piece Opening 5 in various formats and qualities, such as MP3, MP4, WAV, FLAC, 1080p, 720p, 480p, etc. To download One Piece Opening 5 from YouTube, you will need to use a third-party tool or website that can convert and download YouTube videos for you. There are many such tools and websites available online, but some of them may contain malware or viruses, so be careful when choosing one. Some of the reputable and reliable ones are:

  • : This is a free software that can download YouTube videos in high quality and various formats. It also has a smart mode feature that can automatically apply your preferred settings to future downloads.

  • : This is a free website that can convert YouTube videos to MP3 or MP4 files. It has a simple and user-friendly interface that allows you to paste the URL of the video and choose the output format.

  • : This is a free software that can download YouTube videos in multiple formats and resolutions. It also has an integrated search function that can help you find the video you want without opening your browser.

To use any of these tools or websites, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Find the video of One Piece Opening 5 on YouTube that you want to download. You can use the search bar or browse through the playlists or channels related to One Piece.

  • Copy the URL of the video from the address bar of your browser.

  • Open the tool or website that you have chosen and paste the URL into the input box.

  • Select the format and quality that you want for your download.

  • Click on the download button and wait for the process to finish.

  • Save the file to your device and enjoy listening to One Piece Opening 5.

Internet Archive

Another way to download One Piece Opening 5 is to use Internet Archive. Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library that preserves and provides access to millions of free books, movies, music, software, websites, and more. You can use Internet Archive to download One Piece Opening 5 for free along with other One Piece openings and endings. To download One Piece Opening 5 from Internet Archive, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Go to , which is a collection of One Piece openings and endings on Internet Archive.

  • Scroll down until you find One Piece Opening 5: Kokoro no Chizu by BOYSTYLE.

  • Click on the title of the song to open its page.

  • On the right side of the page, you will see a list of download options in different formats and sizes.

  • Select the option that suits your preference and click on it.

  • The file will start downloading automatically to The file will start downloading automatically to your device and you can play it with any media player.


A third way to download One Piece Opening 5 is to use Voicy. Voicy is a free online platform that allows you to listen or download sound clips and soundboards from various sources, such as anime, movies, games, memes, etc. You can use Voicy to listen or download One Piece Opening 5 as a sound clip or a soundboard. To download One Piece Opening 5 from Voicy, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Go to , which is a soundboard of One Piece openings and endings on Voicy.

  • Click on the play button next to One Piece Opening 5: Kokoro no Chizu by BOYSTYLE to listen to it.

  • If you want to download it as a sound clip, click on the three dots icon below the play button and select "Download".

  • If you want to download it as a soundboard, click on the "Download Soundboard" button at the top right corner of the page.

  • You will be redirected to another page where you can choose the format and quality of your download.

  • Click on the "Download" button and wait for the file to be generated.

  • Save the file to your device and enjoy listening to One Piece Opening 5.

How to Enjoy One Piece Opening 5 More

Besides downloading One Piece Opening 5, there are also some other ways to enjoy it more. Here are some tips and suggestions to enhance your experience of listening to the song:

Sing along with the lyrics

One way to enjoy One Piece Opening 5 more is to sing along with the lyrics. Singing along can help you memorize the song, improve your pronunciation, and express your emotions. You can find and learn the lyrics of the song in Japanese or English online. Some of the websites that provide the lyrics are:

  • : This website has the lyrics of One Piece Opening 5 in both Japanese and English, as well as the transliteration (romanization) of the Japanese lyrics.

  • : This website has the lyrics of One Piece Opening 5 in English, as well as other languages such as Spanish, French, German, etc. You can also request or submit translations for other languages.

  • : This website has the lyrics of One Piece Opening 5 in English, as well as some annotations and explanations of the meaning and context of some words and phrases.

You can also watch some videos on YouTube that have the lyrics of One Piece Opening 5 displayed on the screen, such as .

Watch the opening animation

Another way to enjoy One Piece Opening 5 more is to watch the opening animation. The opening animation is a short video that plays before each episode of One Piece, and it shows some scenes and images related to the story and the characters. The opening animation for One Piece Opening 5 is very well-made and has a lot of details and symbolism that you can appreciate. For example, some of the things you can notice are:

  • The map of the Grand Line that appears at the beginning and end of the opening, which represents the journey and destination of the Straw Hat Pirates.

  • The shots of each Straw Hat Pirate that show their personality, role, and dream, such as Luffy's smile, Zoro's swords, Nami's navigation tools, Usopp's slingshot, Sanji's cooking skills, Chopper's medical knowledge, Robin's archaeology interest, Franky's shipbuilding talent, and Brook's musical ability.

  • The scenes that foreshadow some events and characters that will appear in the upcoming arcs, such as Aokiji's ice powers, Foxy's flag, Franky's cola bottle, Robin's handcuffs, Luffy's gear second mode, etc.

  • The transitions that match the rhythm and mood of the song, such as the zooming in and out of the zooming in and out of the map, the spinning of the compass, the sliding of the panels, etc.

  • The symbolism and themes that relate to the song and the story, such as the map of the heart, the sun in the sky, the sea of adventure, the friendship and trust, the dreams and challenges, etc.

You can watch the opening animation for One Piece Opening 5 on YouTube, such as .

Learn some trivia about the song

A third way to enjoy One Piece Opening 5 more is to learn some trivia about the song. Learning some trivia can help you understand the song better, appreciate its value more, and impress your friends with your knowledge. Here are some trivia facts about One Piece Opening 5 that you may not know:

  • The song was written by BOYSTYLE, a Japanese pop group composed of four members: Kyohei Kaneko, Kazuya Miyata, Masato Ohashi, and Shinya Taniuchi. They debuted in 2001 and disbanded in 2008. They were known for their energetic and catchy songs that often featured rap parts.

  • The song was composed by Kohei Tanaka, a famous Japanese composer who has worked on many anime and video game soundtracks, such as One Piece, Dragon Ball, Sakura Wars, Gravity Rush, etc. He is also the composer of other One Piece opening songs, such as We Are!, Crazy Rainbow, and Fight Together.

  • The song was arranged by Takayuki Negishi, another renowned Japanese composer who has worked on many anime and video game soundtracks, such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mega Man Battle Network, etc. He is also the arranger of other One Piece opening songs, such as Believe, Hikari e, and Share The World.

  • The song was released as a single on November 3, 2004. It peaked at number 5 on the Oricon weekly chart and sold over 100,000 copies. It was also included in BOYSTYLE's second album, Boys Be Stylish!, which was released on December 8, 2004.

  • The song was nominated for the Best Theme Song Award at the 2005 Tokyo Anime Awards, but lost to Rewrite by Asian Kung-Fu Generation from Fullmetal Alchemist.


One Piece Opening 5: Kokoro no Chizu is a wonderful song that captures the essence and spirit of One Piece. It is catchy and upbeat, has meaningful lyrics, and has a nostalgic value for many fans. It is also easy and safe to download from various sources online. Moreover, you can enjoy it more by singing along with the lyrics, watching the opening animation, and learning some trivia about it. If you are a fan of One Piece or anime in general, you should definitely give this song a try. You will not regret it!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about One Piece Opening 5:

Q: What is the name of the ship that appears at the end of the opening animation?

A: The name of the ship is Going Merry, which is the first ship of the Straw Hat Pirates. It was given to them by Kaya, a friend of Usopp from Syrup Village. It was later replaced by Thousand Sunny, which was built by Franky from Water 7.

Q: What is the name of the island that appears at the beginning of the opening animation?

A: The name of the island is Long Ring Long Land, which is where the Davy Back Fight arc takes place. It is an island with a unique shape and climate that changes every year. It is also where the Straw Hat Pirates meet Foxy, a pirate who challenges them to a series of games for their crew members.

Q: What is the name of the song that plays during the eyecatchers in One Piece?

A: The name of the song is Mugiwara no Jolly Roger, which means Straw Hat's Jolly Roger in English. It is a short instrumental piece that plays during the eyecatchers in One Piece. Eyecatchers are short animations that appear before and after the commercial breaks in each episode. They usually show the Jolly Roger (pirate flag) of the Straw Hat Pirates or other pirate crews, along with their names and bounties.

Q: What is the name of the singer who performs the English version of One Piece Opening 5?

A: The name of the singer is Vic Mignogna, who is also a voice actor and director. He is best known for his roles as Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist, Broly in Dragon Ball, and Tamaki Suoh in Ouran High School Host Club. He also performs the English versions of other One Piece opening songs, such as We Are!, Hikari e, and Share The World.

Q: What is the name of the arc that follows the Water 7 arc in One Piece?

A: The name of the arc is Enies Lobby, which is where the Straw Hat Pirates storm the judicial island of Enies Lobby to rescue Robin from the World Government. It is one of the most epic and emotional arcs in One Piece, as it reveals Robin's tragic past, Luffy's new abilities, and the fate of Going Merry.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about One Piece Opening 5. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and have a nice day! 44f88ac181

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